Writing is an important task for the academic community. From schools to colleges to doctoral programs, there are many chances for us to explore the art of writing our thoughts into a page. In schools, we are trained to sharpen our vocabulary and to understand which word must be used in what context.

Moreover an academic piece of writing requires you follow a specific structure. This makes the reading process much easier for the reader and simplifies what you want to convey. The structure that is usually used is the beginning, middle and the end. This format is the most used, but the writer can use any another format. Any piece will require an introduction, content, and conclusion.

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One important aspect of academic writing, which is very different from usual, informal writing, is the uses of references. References help in supporting the opinions and claims that writer puts forward. By referencing back to other documents and academic pieces that have been accepted by the community, the writer can establish his or her paper as legitimate.

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