This juicy fruit that we so lovingly devour in summers is replete with nutrients. It is rich in potassium and vitamins A, C, and B. But what makes the watermelon fruit a must-have is lycopene, the antioxidant that renders the fruit its deep red color.

Numerous studies have supported the beneficial effects of lycopene. The antioxidant is known to reduce the risk of stroke and also lower the blood pressure levels.It may not have as much fiber as other fruits, but watermelon calories content and fat content is low and contains a lot of water.

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This was about the importance of watermelon fruit, now have a look at watermelon nutritional benefits. A two-cup serving of watermelon contains about 20 milligrams of lycopene, which battles free radicals and protects against numerous types of cancer. According to a Chicago study, lycopene exhibits chemopreventive properties, especially in prostate cancer cells.

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