US sources have stated that stark political differences between US presidential candidate Donald Trump and running mate Mike Pence became clear on Sunday, as their first joint interview  was revealed contrasting views on key issues, including immigration, trade and the Iraq war.

Image result for Republican President chooses Mike Pence to run with him

Meanwhile Mr. Pence, who has endorsed Ted Cruz during Indiana primaries, has voted for the Iraq war that Mr. Trump has denounced, has slammed border controls endorsed by Mr. Trump’s ‘unconstitutional’ and has voted for every trade deal put in front of him.

It is stated that throughout the interview, Mr. Pence has claimed to endorse several of Mr. Trump’s views that he has previously disagreed with, and has insisted that he had confidence in the presumed Republican presidential candidate.

It is also added that both Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be appearing at the 2016 GOP convention in Cleveland this week and Mr. Trump has said that he trusts the police to prevent violence taking place: “The police like Donald Trump”.

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