In a situation when Facebook was caught exposing user data and breaching privacy policy, now it has been found that Whatsapp has also put its users data in huge risk. As per reports by Malwarebytes, it has been found that a fake Whatsapp app is found in the internet, and it has the ability to access users’ personal data.


It has been revealed that the malicious app is an exact replica of the original Whatsapp app, which already has 1.5 billion monthly active users. This app named Whataspp Plus is a fake version of the popular Whataspp application, and it is being shared through links, and this app is downloaded as an.apk file. Instead of the green logo so common of Whataspp, 

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Whataspp Plus begins with a gold color logo, and also has a URL. After clicking Agree and continue, the app automatically displays itself as outdated, prompting to download the updated version. Following this, the user is redirected to a site which is in Arabic, which prompts to download Whataspp Plus app. With no information about the creator and author of this app, and on how it gathers and leaks users’ data, an alert has been sent to users to be safe.

Image result for Beware of Fake Whatsapp App!!

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