We are at a time of year that is the spiritual path for those concerned. The tamil month of Margazhi started from december 17th. At this time of year the planet Earth is closer to the sun. In the northern hemisphere, this should be the hottest month, but it is the coolest because the planet is facing away from the sun. The closeness to the sun renders an angle where the sun's rays are diffused as they hit the planet. January 2nd, 2016 is the day when the planet is close to the sun, so this time the maximum pull of the sun will occur.


That is the effect the Margazhi month has on the human system that pulls you from the base. Margazhi is a system to bring balance and stability to a time. There are many different ways in which the culture in the yogic system has been transmitted. This is a time when men will do what they want, and vice versa. In tamil Nadu, men will go on nagarasankeertan; They will sing and practice devotion.


Geometry and masculinity are very directly connected. The feminine always pays maximum importance to an object's color and outer form. The masculine always sees the geometric base first. In this month, women practice geometry not on paper, but in front of their homes, drawing geometrical figures or kolams.

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