Preparation time: 20 minutes  Cooking time: about 25 minutes ½ chicken stock cube ½ pint/3 dl. Milk 8 oz. /225 g. smoked golden  fillet  8 oz. /225 g. white fish fillet 1 oz. /25 g. butter  1 oz. /25 g. flour 1 heaped tablespoon   chopped parsley  little Parmesan cheese 1 packet instant potato  Serving 4  1 egg  Good pinch ground nutmeg Crumble the stock cube into the milk in a saucepan and stir over heat until the cube dissolves. Add the fish to the pan and poach gently for 15 minutes, until tender. Remove the fish with a straining spoon, flake roughly and divide between four deep scallop shells. Strain the liquid from cooking the Fish and reserve. Melt the butter in a saucepan stir in the flour and cook gently for a minute. Gradually add the fish Liquid and bring to boil, stirring constantly, until the sauce is smooth and thick. Add the parsley, Stir well and spoon the sauce over the fish mixture in the shells. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese And put under a hot grill to brown. Meanwhile, make up the potato and blend in the egg and nutmeg Until smooth. Use part to pipe rosettes on the shells and serve the remainder separately.     

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