It is safe to say this time of the year is not the best to stay clear of alcohol, but keeping horrible hangovers at bay is something that is more doable. Here are 8 ways in which you can easily shake off that ugh feeling and make the morning after your party a breeze to get through!Don’t just drink-While you are out drinking – don’t just stick to the alcohol. Make sure you get a few bites to eat and drink ample water between your drinks. This is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t have a bad hangover the next day. Greasy food helps the intestines control the amount of alcohol the body absorbs and water just helps keep you hydrated which is the most important thing EVER to avoid a hangover! 

Breakfast like a king -Eating a big breakfast is one of the best things you can do to cure a hangover. Unlike the meal you eat while drinking, your hangover breakfast need not be greasy, it should be made up of food that will be easy on the stomach lining and digestive tract. Eggs in any form, bread, bananas, oats, yogurt, ginger and milk are the kind of ingredients you should be eating.

No comfort in Coffee-Coffee might cure a lot of things, but a hangover is definitely not one of them! Caffeine boosts your blood pressure and causes your body to lose water quickly – both of which do little to fight the effects of binge drinking! Yet if you just can’t do without a morning cuppa, make sure you keep it lite or better, just sip on some ginger tea instead!

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Guzzle on the H2O The water and alcohol you drink should share a directly proportional relationship with each other. More booze = more water. The sick feeling that a hangover gives you is mostly because of the dehydration it causes in your body. So pile on the H2O – during and definitely the morning after a good party!

From cocktails to mocktails

The switch from night to morning demands a switch from cocktails and shots to mocktails, smoothies and fruits juices. Have something sweet because it helps restore the electrolytes lost by the body. Coconut water is a great idea and so is orange juice, if you have any left from making last night’s whiskey sours.

Sleep it off!

Your body repairs itself and recovers better when you are asleep. Make sure you either sleep in late the morning after or take a nap after a big breakfast. Also try to keep sipping water in between snoozes so your body gets a good chance at recovery!

Hair of the dog

Well, some people swear this works but we are not so sure. Science and common sense say that more booze the next day will only worsen the effects of your hangover. The reason people believe hair of the dog actually works is because alcohol gives you temporary relief from the symptoms, but after that it is double dehydration, queasiness and headache. So stay away from more booze!

Not prescribed

Having a tablet or pill should be your last resort to get rid of the hangover headache and overall queasy feeling. You should rather just drink lots of water; get some rest and maybe think about taking it easy at your next party! Multi vitamins though aren’t such a bad option because it replaces the nutrients the body has lost and helps recover better.

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