People residing in Hyderabad, which is hailed as the second capital of India always boast of the city's unique culture and amiable atmosphere. All peace loving Hyderabadis for all the hitech connections and software love got shock when police busted a hitech sex racket. 

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Rachakonda SOT police arrested four persons that included a woman for running an online sex racket and in the process rescued five victims. The gang operated through online portal known as It is coming out that organiser selected the victims after they sent their pictures on whatsapp and they flew down to Hyderabad by air.

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Police seized 11 mobiles and Rs 32000 from them. Police arrested Dasari Prabhakar, Nagesh Varma, Ravi Varma and Prachi Sharma and the rescued women belong to Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. In a decoy operation, a constable struck a deal with him and a girl was sent to the spot at Ramanthapur after SOT found the contact number of Prabhakar. 

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Police found that the racket was operated by one Ranjith, who is absconding.Sources reveal that Ranjith is in the online sex racket since a year and used to hire girls from Delhi on five-day payment basis. They would be paid Rs 50,000 a week. Each girl would be available for only five days. After that they go back.

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They shared Ranjith’s contact details with their friends. The girls came to know about Ranjith through their friends who worked for him before. E.Ramachandra Reddy, chief of SOT said “Interested girls send their pictures to Ranjith on WhatsApp and Ranjith will call selected girls. They travel by air and will be accommodated in posh hotels. Later their pictures are uploaded on the site,”

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Clients calling Bhaskar will be directed to Ravi and Ranjith. Prachi Sharma drom Delhi  was also involved in the racket. She is operating with Javed and sources revealed "They charge up to Rs 60,000 from customers depending on duration and after deducting 50 per cent they pay the victims,”

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